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  • Feature image for Organization switcher

    It’s faster for people who work across multiple teams, like freelancers and agencies, to switch between organizations. We’ve also added a hover preview menu to peek into unread notifications or chat — this makes it easy to triage activity without leaving your current work and losing context.

    Other improvements

    • Frequently used custom reactions will now appear in the quick-react menu after long-pressing a chat bubble on mobile.
  • Feature image for Create posts from chat

    Start a new post from any chat message to move the conversation into a more permanent, async-friendly space. Everyone in the chat thread will be notified that a post was created as a reminder to move the conversation.

    Other improvements

    • Added ↑/↓/j/k navigation through the posts index page. When viewing a post, you can also press j/k to navigate to the previous/next post without ping-ponging back to the previous page.


    • Fixed a bug that prevented the new call button from appearing on newly-created chat threads.
    • Fixed formatting for text with multiple combinations of bold, italics, underlines, strikethroughs, and links applied at the same time.
    • Prevents keyboard shortcuts from repeating when keys are held down by default.
    • Improved the follow-up hint date on the posts index page when a follow-up is in the far future.
    • Fixed a case where the post title could display twice on compact posts without recent activity.
    • Fixed an incorrect system message string when removing a group chat thread name.
    • Improved error handling while generating previews for attachments in the post composer.
  • Feature image for Recently viewed menu

    Access your recently-viewed posts, docs, and calls from the new Recently Viewed menu in the app sidebar. The menu can be opened with the ⌘/Ctrl + Y keyboard shortcut for even faster navigation.

    The recently viewed menu is available in the Campsite desktop app.

    Other improvements

    • Improved search ranking for posts, docs, calls, and comments, especially when searches contain an exact match for content.
    • Added support to follow up on posts and comments directly from a reaction notification.
    • Added a llamas default reaction pack for all organizations.
    • Post resolution reasons are expanded by default on the post detail page.
    • Refreshed the text formatting bubble menu with new icons, keyboard shortcuts, tooltips, list type toggles, and a dedicated code block button.
    • Added a text formatting bubble menu to the chat composer.
    • Added a subview to the organization switcher hovercard to peek into unread chat threads.
    • Starting a post from a chat message containing attachments will automatically insert those into the post composer.
    • Reaction-only comments display larger to match the same reaction-only styles in a chat thread.


    • Added follow-up action items to the post ••• menu.
    • Disabled dragging on buttons that act as links.
    • Added accessibility tooltips for keyboard shortcuts to call actions.
    • Fixed the reaction picker displaying as a sheet on narrow desktop viewports.
    • Fixed a bug where stale feedback requests would be shown after editing a post.
    • Removed duplicative emojis from reaction notifications.
    • Improved auto-focus behavior in dialogs with primary action buttons.
    • Added online indicators to feedback requests.
    • Fixed reordering jank when reordering organizations in the sidebar switcher.
    • Added safe-area bottom padding to the space sidebar.
    • Improved keyboard navigation when interacting with a context menu or dropdown while on a view with conflicting arrow key shortcuts.
    • Added a max height for the typeahead reaction suggestions to prevent visual overload.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented call recordings from being added to the post composer when sharing a call.
    • Fixed clipping on the text formatting bubble menu when composing a post in the composer dialog.
    • Reopening a post will remove other users’ “post resolved” notifications.
    • Removed the quick-reply menu when selecting text while editing a comment.
    • Added optimistic updates to the space notification toggle.
    • Disabled mutation retries that could sometimes cause duplicate comments or chat messages to be sent.
    • Added prompts to install the mobile web application from the web app Home tab.
    • Improved overflow behavior in the composer dialog when writing long posts on mobile.
  • Feature image for Resolve posts

    Keep your team on the same page with post resolutions. Posts can be resolved with an optional reason so everyone else can stay in the loop on key decisions and action items without re-reading long comment threads.

    Resolve a post

    resolve a post from the post overflow menu

    Click Resolve post from any post menu to create a resolution. You can add a short reason for resolving the post for future reference (or let Campsite’s smart resolve add a default summary as a starting point).

    Resolve from comment

    resolve a post from a comment

    Resolve posts directly from comments that give answers or key decisions. The resolution will link to the original comment for future reference.

    Smart resolve

    automatically summarize posts into decisions and action items

    Campsite automatically generates a summary of decisions and action items when resolving posts. This saves teams from tediously recapping long conversations by hand.

    Smart resolve will be a paid feature in the future but is currently available to all organizations.

    Other improvements

    • Added a right-click context menu for image attachments in the preview lightbox, with actions to download or open in a new tab.
    • Added several keyboard shortcuts to make navigating to different root pages faster: G then P to go to posts, G then D to go to docs, and G then I to go to inbox.
    • Added a keyboard shortcut ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + C to toggle code formatting when composing a post.
    • Added a right-click context menu to Docs on the index page to take quick actions on a doc, like favoriting or deleting.
    • Clicking on a drag handle for a block in a document now selects the entire block for faster copy-paste.
    • Added a keyboard shortcut ⌘/Ctrl + U to toggle a chat thread read/unread.
    • Added follow-up support to existing follow-ups and other types of notifications.
    • The Docs index page sorts your documents by when they were last edited so that your most recent work is easier to find.
    • People whose feedback is specifically requested on a post are now automatically subscribed to the post to get notifications about new activity.
    • The home Discover feed now sorts posts by recent activity instead of when they were created.
    • Posts on the space view are automatically sorted by recent activity instead of when they were created.
    • The People Discover page sorts people by their latest posting activity to make it easier to find active posters.
    • Emoji-only comments display larger, matching the UI for emoji-only chat messages.
    • Adds a safe area to hover cards to reduce the chances of accidentally dismissing the card while moving your mouse.
    • Calls now open in a new window to support native window management controls.
    • The ⌘/Ctrl + ⇧ + C shortcut while viewing the inbox now copies the post/doc/space URL instead of the inbox URL.
    • Refreshed the UI for spaces with a new collapsible sidebar and improved member + bookmark management workflows.
    • Reaction notifications now show a full-size preview of the emoji instead of a generic heart icon.
    • Refreshed the “Move to space...” dialog with faster typeahead and keyboard-only controls.
    • The app sidebar now displays a “More unread” badge when unread spaces and chats are hidden behind the overflow.


    • Archived spaces and deactivated team members are down-ranked in the command menu search results.
    • Fixed a bug with playing video attachments in Safari.
    • Capped the height of the docs slash command menu to avoid content from being displayed outside of the viewport.
    • Fixed auto-focusing on the comment composer when replying to a post or comment on mobile.
    • Fixed arrow key navigation on the inbox so that navigating to an off-screen notification will scroll it into view.
    • The first reaction in the reaction picker is highlighted by default when searching for emojis.
    • Fixed ⌘ + K and Ctrl + K behavior on Windows and macOS to avoid conflicting with keyboard shortcuts native to the opposing OS.
    • Fixed a bug with Tab and Shift + Tab to change task indentation.
    • Fixed the position and height of the command menu so that its position doesn’t shift as you type.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause select menus with many options to take up the entire viewport.
    • Fixed cases where sending mobile chat message wouldn’t correctly scroll the thread to the bottom.
    • Fixed a bug where stale custom emojis could appear when switching between different organizations.
    • The post composer is top-aligned to the viewport to reduce layout jank when composing longer posts.
    • Neighboring lists in docs, posts, and comments are now automatically merged to avoid confusing keyboard behavior when composing messages.
    • Fixed broken image previews on notifications about posts with Figma embeds.
    • Bumped the priority of our PWA push notifications to improve deliverability.
    • Favorited docs and posts are automatically removed if the doc or post is deleted or changes permissions.
    • Fixed interactions with the forward/back navigation buttons on the Windows Desktop app.
    • Improved the usability of the organization settings dropdown and organization switcher on mobile.
    • All gifs auto-play in posts.
    • Follow-ups are automatically removed if the underlying subject is deleted or changes permissions.
    • Fixed a bug where doc titles wouldn’t update in real-time while two people were editing.
    • Improved search ranking for comments.
    • Improved fuzzy search ranking for emojis and custom reactions.
    • Fixed the drop zone area for adding an attachment to the feedback form.
    • The “Open in Figma” action in the File... dropdown now opens in a new window/browser tab.
    • Improved overflow behavior when composing long posts.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause member count for a space to become out of sync.
    • Fixed back navigation behavior when deleting a post when there is now browser history.
    • Improved the performance of posts with lots of comments.
  • Feature image for Favorite posts

    Quickly access your most important posts from the app sidebar with favorites. Click the Star icon from a post’s ••• menu to add it to your favorites.

  • Feature image for Favorite docs

    Quickly access your most important docs from the app sidebar with favorites. Click the Star icon next to your doc title, or from the ••• menu on any doc to add it to your favorites.

  • Feature image for Typeahead reactions

    Typeahead reactions make it easier to get your point across without fumbling for an emoji picker keyboard shortcut or pecking through emoji menus with your mouse. Type : and a few letters to instantly search through your team’s custom reactions and platform emojis.

    Typeahead reactions work across posts, comments, docs, and chat.

  • Feature image for Custom follow-up time

    In addition to using pre-defined follow-up times for posts, comments, and notifications — like Tomorrow or Next week — you can now set a reminder for any day in the future using custom follow-up times.

    Learn more about the follow-up feature.

  • Feature image for Follow up

    Never lose track of meaningful conversations with follow-ups: click the alarm icon on any post, comment, or notification to set a follow-up reminder. You can also use the keyboard shortcut h while triaging your inbox to instantly create a follow-up reminder.

    Other improvements

    • We’ve rebuilt our mobile reaction picker to support custom reactions and search.
    • The Spaces page now groups and orders your spaces by recent activity, making it easy to see which spaces are active or stale.
    • The prompt to “add a reply” is always visible underneath root comments to encourage better conversation threading.
    • Added an indicator whenever you have a drafted reply comment on a post or doc.
    • Added support for e to delete notifications in the inbox.
    • Added support for unfurling space details when adding a link to a space in the post composer.
    • Added a slash command to insert a horizontal rule divider into docs.
    • Added a new quick organization switcher sidebar UI for people in multiple organizations with inbox peek and drag-n-drop to reorder.
    • Added a Subscribed and Created filter option to the Docs index page.


    • Fixed a bug where stale attachments would linger on an edited post.
    • Added commenter avatars for comments created by integrations.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the view count of a post to be off by one when viewing it for the first time.
    • Improved comment editing behavior to keep the cancel/save buttons visible in the viewport while typing.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause an app crash when leaving your most recently-viewed organization.
    • Fixed keyboard shortcuts for Windows users where ctrl was previously not registering as a meta key press.
    • Prevents long-running background jobs that sync Slack channels to Campsite from delaying the delivery of Slack broadcasts.
  • Feature image for Zapier integration

    Use the new Zapier integration to create Campsite posts, comments, and chat messages when something happens on another tool or app.

    Connecting apps to Campsite gives your team effortless visibility into important updates and makes it easier to collaborate directly on Campsite instead of fragmenting conversations across many platforms.

    Create your first Zap →

    Here’s how teams are already using Zapier to connect Campsite with their other tools and workflows:

    Connect GitHub and Campsite

    Create chat messages for new GitHub pull requests

    Connect GitHub to a chat thread to keep engineers updated on new pull requests as they’re opened or merged.

    Connect Stripe and Campsite

    Create posts when new customers are created in Stripe

    Celebrate wins as a team by creating a new post when a customer signs up on Stripe.

    Connect Sentry and Campsite

    Create chat messages when alerts are triggered in Sentry

    Get real-time visibility into exceptions and outages in Sentry by sending a chat message to your engineering team.

    Connect Vercel and Campsite

    Create chat messages when new Vercel builds are deployed to production

    Help your team understand what’s live in production by pinging a Campsite chat as new production builds are deployed on Vercel.

    Connect Linear and Campsite

    Create posts when new project updates are created in Linear

    Keep the rest of your team updated on engineering progress by publishing project updates as posts in a Campsite space.

    Connect any webhook to Campsite

    Create a post, comment, or chat message from any webhook event

    Use Zapier Webhooks to respond to any external event to create a post, comment or chat message. Learn more about setting up custom webhook events.

    Other improvements

    • Custom emojis are now placed first in the reaction picker.
    • Redesigned the Home tab in the mobile web app for faster access to unread chats, spaces, and favorites.
    • Spaces in the sidebar have a hover peek that shows recent posts with unread activity indicators.
    • Deleted chat messages no longer show a tombstone bubble.
    • Added new shortcuts to the sidebar Favorites section to quickly create a chat or space.
    • Improved the UX for joining and leaving spaces on mobile.
    • Favorite, mark a chat unread, or start a call while hovering over a chat in the sidebar.
    • Added a button to send a test notification in the Desktop app to trigger the macOS System Settings.
    • Team members are automatically subscribed to a space when they join or are added by someone else.
    • Chat has been moved to a collapsible section at the bottom of the app sidebar.
    • Videos are automatically paused when enabling the “Comment at timestamp” checkbox in the attachment lightbox.
    • Added avatars and online indicators to the direct message header on mobile chat.
    • Admins can delete chat messages created by integrations and apps.
    • Added an emoji picker to the post composer, comment composer, and chat composer for easier access without a keyboard shortcut.


    • Improved the reliability of comments with error states and retries in case of a network failure.
    • Added more clear warning text when deleting a comment that has replies.
    • Fixed showing previous versions of a post on the main feed immediately after creating a new version.
    • Improved how background jobs are queued so that notifications are delivered faster during traffic spikes.
    • Fixed a bug where posts that have been moved or deleted might still appear in a space’s feed.
    • Fixed a bug where posts would be shared in the General space immediately after being posted in a newly created space.
    • Subscribing to a post now sends notifications for all replies.
    • Improved mobile scrolling behavior when the initial tap target is a button.
    • Fixed a bug where replying to a comment in an attachment lightbox was focusing the background comment input.
    • Disabled iOS long-press peek gestures in the mobile PWA.
    • Fixed pointer interaction conflicts when scrubbing a video playback bar in the feed.
    • Fixed a bug where disabling SSO was not disabling the SSO auth requirement for organization members.
    • Ensures that spaces, tags, and users all have unique values in the ⌘K menu.
    • A group chat’s default title automatically updates after adding and removing group members.
    • UI polish when replying to a chat message with a single emoji.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented sending a chat message containing only an @ mention.
    • Fixed a bug where newly created spaces weren’t immediately available in the ⌘K menu.
    • Added a timestamp tooltip to call bubbles in chat.
    • Removed hover play/pause interactions from videos and gifs in the feed; videos and gifs will now play and loop automatically.
    • The “watch” button on a call recording bubble is disabled while the video is still processing.
    • Fixed the fallback call title if a call is recorded with just one participant.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the post composer dialog from opening while viewing a chat thread.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause a stale deleted post to appear in the feed until the app was refreshed.
    • Fixed a bug where hotkeys used in a dialog could bubble up to the background page and trigger unintended actions.